Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Loop Through Portola State Park & Pescadero Creek County Park

Warm weather made yesterday a perfect day to wander among the shady redwoods of Portola State Park and Pescadero Creek County Park. This was my last College of San Mateo field trip for the season.

Meeting at the Ramada Group Day Use Area, we started off with an in-and-out on the Old Tree Trail to see some beautiful old growth redwoods, including an ancient fire-scarred giant that is one of the biggest in the park. After stopping at  the Shriners monument we then headed south on the Service Road, which crosses Pescadero Creek and intersects the Old Haul Road. We paused along the way at the pile of rotting boards that used to be the cabin of Christian Iverson, a former Pony Express rider who settled here in the 1860's.

Just before reaching the Old Haul Road we entered Pescadero Creek County Park, which is the largest county park in San Mateo County.We continued northwest until we turned right onto another dirt road called Bridge Trail. Along the way to the creek we took a short side trip to view the Snag Tree, which is a large standing dead redwood with a distinctive light and dark spiral pattern. From there we headed on to Pescadero Creek for lunch. A beautiful seep monkey flower was in full bloom just across the creek.

After lunch we crossed the creek and stopped to appreciate the secluded campsites at the Tarwater Trail Camp. Each site is nestled among huckleberry bushes and towering redwoods. This is one of the few trail camps in the Santa Cruz Mountains that allows campfires.

From there we hiked the Pomponio Trail back to Portola State Park. Our total distance was about 5.75 miles. There is an entrance fee to park at Portola State Park.

TO GET THERE... Take Alpine Road west from Skyline Boulevard and turn south on Portola State Park Road..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom, Your book is by far my favorite hiking guide book - I would so like to get the 10th edition but I can't find it anywhere - is it possible to get one? I am in Palo Alto. I have the 5th edition and was able to check out the 10th at the library....TIA Lisa
