Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Rainy Walk on Pulgas Ridge

The first field Trip of the season for my College of San Mateo class fell on a rainy and windy Saturday. I had originally planned a 5.25 mile figure-8 loop through Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve, which is just east of Highway 280 and just north of Edgewood Road.
Because of the wet conditions, only five students and two dogs showed up at the Pulgas Ridge parking lot at 10 AM. We decided to do an abridged version of the hike, which covered about two miles in about an hour and twenty minutes. I have included a photo of students Terry, Sue, George, Donna, and Nancy; and dogs Jazz and Halley.
A month ago this looked like it was going to be a terrible wildflower year. Then the rains came and the creeks started flowing and the plants started growing. At Pulgas Ridge we saw lots of Indian Warrior, star zygadene, shooting stars, and some sticky monkeyflower in bloom.
F0r those who missed this hike, keep Saturday, May 19 open for the make-up hike, at a location yet to be determined. I look forward to seeing you all at Edgewood County Park in two weeks.